Thai Pork Bites


500g Lean Minced Free Range Pork
1/2tblsp Sesame Oil
50g Fresh Ginger
12g Fresh Red Chilli
12g Fresh Spring Onions
Handful of Fresh Corriander (or substitute Basil instead)
Zest of 1 Lemon
1tsp Salt



Take all the ingredients (except the minced pork and sesame oil) and blitz on pulse action to blend together.
Don't over blend into a puree.
If not using a blender finely chop all ingredients - but grate the ginger and the garlic.
Add the pork to the blended mixture and pulse breifly to blend together.
Shape into flat patties and fry in a hot pan for 3-4 minutes on each side. 

Make a light dipping sauce to taste by mixing:
Soy sauce, honey, lemon juice, mirim or medium sherry, finely chopped chilli and corriander leaves.  

Serve the dipping sauce in a shallow bowl or ramekin in the centre of a serving platter,
with the Thai Pork Bites round the bowl.  Sprinkle over more chopped corriander.

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