Pork Oysters

The most prime loin cuts, trimmed and completely boneless. Pork Oysters are just pure eye meat – no rind or fat all. The loss of bone and fat makes this an easy cut to overcook and needs a little more skill from the cook.

Ingredients 100% Fresh Pork 

Cooking tip

Cook gently, with care – if cooked to fiercely or too fast the meat can toughen up due to the complete lack of fat marbling in the cut. Always leave to rest after cooking. Steaks in creamy sauce: Heat some oil, crushed garlic, finely chopped onion and sprigs of thyme in a pan, add steaks and pan fry to seal and brown on both sides, then place in oven in roasting pan to finish cooking. Deglaze cooking pan with dry cider, reduce and add cream. Pour over steaks and serve with green beans and rice or potatoes.

Pork Oysters